11 minutes, 2 titles on 1 cassette, 2001, Mozambique / Zimbabwe Filmmakers: Sasha Wales-Smith and Dorothy Brislin Ntone in English and Xitswa with English subtitles
Volume 23 of Steps for the Future a 25 cassette series on AIDS in Southern Africa.
That's Me by Sasha Wales-Smith, 7 minutes, Zimbabwe
In Zimbabwe President Mugabe has said that gay people are "worse than pigs or dogs". To be HIV positive on top of that is even more shameful in the eyes of society. Acceptance is the theme of this inspiring film about a young drag queen. Life with HIV can still be celebrated, he tells us, as long as you acknowledge sexuality and love the virus.
Choose Life by Dorothy Brislin Ntone, 4 minutes, Mozambique
In this exuberant music video Kapa Dech, one of the best-known Mozambican bands, uses the funeral of a young man who has died of AIDS to get across their message of hope. Dressed in white, the dead man rises from the grave and tells the survivors that while they should certainly cherish and enjoy life, they also need to act responsibly in the face of the HIV/AIDS crisis.