17 minutes, 2 titles on 1 cassette, 2001, Zimbabwe Filmmakers: Farai Matambidzanwa and Heeten Bhagat in English and Shona with English subtitles
Volume 20 of Steps for the Future a 25 cassette series on AIDS in Southern Africa.
Ndodii by Farai Matambidzanwa, 13 minutes
Ndodii is set in a remote village in Zimbabwe, the film depicts the impact of HIV/AIDS on the traditional practice of wife inheritance. Mai Tawanda, an HIV+ widow, is instructed by her elders to choose a new husband. Faced with the reality of being ostracized and blamed for her husband's death, she is challenged with the choice of breaking tradition.
Big Balls by Heeten Bhagat, 4 minutes
Two men are at work. One is black and the other white. They are building something together. But there is tension. Their conversation is raw, peppered with innuendo and tales of supposed conquests. As they talk they spar with words. Words that mean so little, but say so much. Funny yet devastatingly cruel. It becomes clear that those conquests will ultimately be their demise...