16 minutes, 2 titles on 1 cassette, 2001, South Africa Filmmakers: Sithunyiwe Gece and Lizo Kalipa in Xhosa with English subtitles
Volume 22 of Steps for the Future a 25 cassette series on AIDS in Southern Africa.
Let's Talk About It by Sithunyiwe Gece, 8 minutes
The film reflects prevailing attitudes towards HIV/AIDS in the townships of Cape Town by a filmmaker who lives there. It looks at young peoples' perceptions of HIV/AIDS and the challenges they face in practicing safer sex.
Dispel Your Attitudes by Lizo Kalipa, 8 minutes
Philiswa is an HIV positive woman and an AIDS activist. She fearlessly discusses the virus in a taxi ride to meet Mr. X, an HIV positive man afraid to disclose his status. He starts to explore his fears when the two meet.