20 minutes, 2 titles on 1 cassette, 2001, South Africa Filmmakers: Bridget Pickering and Eddie Edwards
Volume 19 of Steps for the Future a 25 cassette series on AIDS in Southern Africa.
Dreams of a Good Life by Bridget Pickering, 15 minutes
A film of laughter, fear, and the solace of sharing. Five women talk about life, love and how their dreams for the future have changed since finding out they are HIV positive. The women now examine their relationships with men more openly than ever before. A film with and about HIV+ women.
Gotta Give by Eddie Edwards, 5 minutes
A music video featuring Moodphase 5ive and Godessa with a message for young women: take control and use your power to negotiate your relationships. This upbeat film uses a popular form to promote the empowerment of female identity.