African American Poetry, 1960-1995
A Facilitator Guide to the Video Series
Joanne V. Gabbin with Donna Shafer-Riha
Furious Flower: African American Poetry, An Overview
Selected Bibliography
VOLUME I: Elders
- Samuel Allen - Selected Bibliography,
Discussion Questions, Biography
- Jerry W. Ward, Jr. - Biography
- Mari Evans - Selected Bibliography,
Discussion Questions, Biography
- Val Gray Ward - Biography
- Naomi Long Madgett - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Eleanor W. Traylor - Biography
- Alvin Aubert - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Lenard Moore - Biography
- Pinkie Gordon Lane - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Sandra Govan - Biography
VOLUME II: Warriors
- Amiri Baraka - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Askia M. Touré - Biography
- Haki R. Madhubuti - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Kalamu ya Salaam - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Everett Hoagland - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Sonia Sanchez - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Lorenzo Thomas - Biography
- Eugene Redmond - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Jabari Asim - Biography
- Nikki Giovanni - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Virginia Fowler - Biography
- Rita Dove - Selected Bibliography,
Discussion Questions, Biography
- Toi Derricotte - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Opal Moore - Biography
- Dolores Kendrick - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Judith Thomas - Biography
- Sherley Anne Williams
- Selected Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Deborah McDowell - Biography
- Gerald Barrax - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Joyce Pettis - Biography
- E. Ethelbert Miller - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Eugenia Collier - Biography
- Michael S. Harper - Selected
Bibliography, Discussion Questions, Biography
- Aldon Nielsen - Biography
VOLUME IV: Initiates