A Discussion Guide for Faith-Based Communities
by Nikki Bailey
These questions are intended to help faith-based communities begin conversation
about central themes of each episode of This Far by Faith.
Episode 1: There is a River
Episode 2: God is a Negro
Episode 3: Guide My Feet
Episode 4: Freedom Faith
Episode 5: Inheritors of the Faith
Episode 6: Rise Up and Call Their Names
Episode 1: There is a River
- Is there anything that you have learned in this program about traditional
African religions and spirituality that you would like to claim or reclaim
in your own spiritual practices?
- The program makes mention of the power of music in the slaves' struggles
for freedom: "Singing is the key that opens the heavenly doors…."
How have the messages in the music of your faith tradition helped you,
your family and/or your religious community through difficult situations?
How has music inspired hope in your life and/or religious community?
What are some of the songs that influenced you positively and negatively?
- In the Sojourner Truth story, the narrator tells that Truth’s mother,
knowing she would be separated from her children, took them into the
woods to talk to God and teach them about the sustaining power of faith.
What faith lessons have you been taught? How were messages about faith
and spirituality passed down to you by your parents, teachers and elders?
Were you and, if so, how were you taught to talk to God? Where have
you done it?
- In the Truth story, we learned that Sojourner was enslaved emotionally,
physically, spiritually and legally. Before she obtained her legal and
physical freedom, she had to acquire spiritual and emotional freedom.
What are some forms of bondage that you have experienced? What is freedom
to you?
- The stories of Sojourner Truth and Denmark Vesey focus a lot on God’s
transforming power. What is your story? How has it changed over time?
How does it compare to the stories in this program? Have you ever and,
if so, when have you experienced God’s transforming power?
- How did/does Christianity and other religious traditions of enslaved
and oppressed people shape their identity? How did religion and the
Bible help people to reject definitions of self that were forced on
them by slavery and oppression?
Episode 2: God is a Negro
- In this episode, Henry McNeil Turner was quoted as saying, "God
will speak peace when his work is accomplished." How was the Civil
War understood as a war between the forces of good and evil and between
heaven and hell?
- We learn that Henry McNeil Turner ordained women and was reproached
by his superiors for doing so. What is the position of your religious
institution, if you have one, on the leadership or ordination of women?
Who are some important women leaders in your faith tradition?
- We learned that some people in Turner’s time felt it wrong for the
church to be too political. What role do you think religious institutions
should play regarding social and economic politics? What kind of political
activities is your religious institution involved in, if you have one?
- Abraham Lincoln was referred to as a sacrificial savior of the enslaved
and his death was compared with Jesus’ death on the cross. Why?
- In describing the people he encountered in Africa, Henry McNeil Turner
took note of their posture and self-image, contrasting it with the stooped
posture and low self-esteem of enslaved Blacks in America. Why might
enslaved Blacks in America carry themselves differently than free Blacks
in Africa? What does slavery do to the mind, spirit and body?
- James Cone says that most African Americans experience some contradiction
in the Christian faith. What does he mean by that? Are there parts of
the Christian faith that you find contradictory? What are they? How
do you reconcile them? How did African Americans reconcile the contradictions
they found in the Christian faith?
Episode 3: Guide My Feet
- In this episode, we learn about the development of gospel music. Rev.
Lena McLin, Thomas Dorsey’s niece, says, "People will always have
to define the gospel song because every generation has to say what it
has to say in its own way." How has the sacred music of your faith
tradition changed in your lifetime? How has secular music informed the
music of your faith tradition? How has music, both sacred and secular,
influenced your spiritual journey?
- Rev. Cecil Williams, the pastor of Glide Memorial Church, described
his mission as "radical" leadership. How is it radical? What
are the qualities of a radical leader? How can you demonstrate radical
leadership in your ministry, job, home or social life?
- Glide has made a commitment to participate in its neighborhood by
being with the people who suffer the most. Rev. Williams says, "We
are the church, not the walls." What does he mean by that? What
do you think of, when you think of the church? What would a church,
synagogue or temple "without walls" look like in your community?
- Many Black people who had recently moved north felt they did not fit
into the "silk stocking" churches. They created storefront churches
in order to create a comfortable place of worship for themselves. What
were the differences in worship style, class composition and music?
If you have one, how is your religious institution different from or
similar to "silk stocking" or storefront churches?
- In this episode, Rev. Jeremiah Wright says, "Persons of deep
faith are not exempt from crisis." A repeated theme that moves
in this episode is the idea that sometimes you have to "risk everything
by going to depths and danger and bring it to light," that sometime
God tears you down to build you back up. How does this fit in with Rev.
Williams' statement: "When you seek spirituality, that does not
put you out of the world. It puts you decisively in the world, so you
can begin top not only change your life, but change the lives of people
who are in great need." What are the most dangerous, fearful places
for you? What are some of the difficult experiences that you have confronted
in your faith journey? Have those moments of crisis strengthened your
faith? Has working through faith crises inspired you to change the world
in any way?
- Dorsey and Williams both experienced visions in their conversion experience.
What do you make of that? Have you experienced visions of God’s plan
for you or heard God’s voice in your life? If not, what is your equivalent?
Episode 4: Freedom Faith
- In this episode, Rev. Prathia Hall tells a story about her experience
on a train of racism and segregation. She says, she could hear a message
in the rhythm of the train-tracks: "You’re not good enough."
She talks about her father and church providing a counter-message that
taught her to value herself. What are some of the negative messages
that you hear about who you are? How do your family and faith communities
help you to counteract those messages?
- Much of the images and language in this episode deals with the language
of racist terrorism in the U.S. How is "terrorism" defined in this film?
How do most Americans define "terrorism" today? What is "terrorism"
to you? Can the church ever endorse a violent response to terrorism?
- Rev. Hall says that her father "groomed her" for the Civil Rights
Movement, yet when she came of age, he forbade her to go south to participate
in the work being done there. After he died, she went south as a member
of SNCC and later followed in her father’s footsteps and became a minister.
What were/are your parent’s expectation for your life? If you are a
parent, what are your expectations of your own children? How did your
parent’s expectations differ for siblings of different genders? How
are they the same?
- Black people’s faith allowed them to maintain the belief that God
created all people to be equal. Who in our world is treated with less
dignity and respect than others? Why? What about people who, by birth
or circumstances, do not have the same abilities? What are some ways
we can level the playing field? How, if we believe in a God of equality,
can we live according to that belief?
- It was said in this episode that Gandhi began to use the technique
of non-violent resistance after reading the passage in the Bible, "Love
your enemy." This Christian message resembled the values of Gandhi's
own religious tradition, Hinduism. What other religious tradition have
you learned about? How are they similar and different from your own?
What messages about justice, community and faith might you learn from
religious traditions other than your own?
- Rev. Hall says that when Civil Rights activists decided to collectively
defy the government’s Jim Crow laws, they arranged to meet twice a week
to renew their faith and courage. What are some of the injustices your
community faces? How does your community work together to defy those
injustices? Brainstorm ways your church community can help to motivate
and renew its faith, courage and commitment to fight for justice.
Episode 5: Inheritors of the Faith
- In the beginning of this episode, James Cone says, "The spiritual
and the political are intimately related, but the spiritual is the foundation
for everything." What does this mean to you? How does your spiritual
life inform your political life? How do your spiritual and political
lives contradict each other?
- Wallace Mohammed said that, when he went to prison, he was finally
"free." What did he mean by that? How do your obligations
to your family or religion influence your spiritual beliefs and obligations?
How do you "free" or deprogram yourself from beliefs that
do not ring true to you?
- In this episode, we learn that Wallace Mohammed went back to the Nation
of Islam even though he did not believe all of its tenants, because
he knew the Nation would be divided after the assassination of Malcolm
X. Would you deny your beliefs for the sake of some other purpose? What
does it take to stay in a tradition with which you disagree or return
to one in order to change it?
- The Nation of Islam’s understanding of creation states that white
men created evil, citing white racism towards Blacks as a prime example.
Is this notion of creation different from your own? Do you believe that
oppressed people are superior to their oppressors? How does this influence
your understanding of order in the world?
- Spend the next five minutes writing your own confession and creed.
What do you believe and why? How do you practice your belief?
- In this episode, Don Muhammad says that, from the beginning, the Nation
of Islam has sought to protect Black women. From what or whom has it
tried to protect Black women? Based on this episode, what is your understanding
of the woman’s role in the Nation of Islam? What role do women play
in your own faith tradition?
Episode 6: Rise Up and Call Their Names
- In this episode, we learn about the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle
Passage. Why was this pilgrimage organized? What did the participants
hope to learn or experience? What was the purpose of making the pilgrimage
an interfaith experience?
- In the episode, we discover that some of the Black participants questioned
the participation of the white pilgrims, asking them: "Why are
you here?" Why was this question raised? Who needs a better understanding
of the Middle Passage? Who would benefit from learning more? What do
you know about the Middle Passage and the history of African American
enslavement in this country?
- Think about your individual, familial and communal history. What is
missing in your understanding of your origins and ancestry? How might
you make a pilgrimage of your own? How can you access the parts of your
past that have been lost or denied?
- In the episode, Imam Abib Rashid says, "In the teaching of Prophet
Muhammad, to have land or property or knowledge or money or anything
that God has blessed you with and to not use it where you and your family
and the community at large can derive benefit from is to actually incur
a sin on yourself." What gifts and blessings do you have that can
be used to serve your community?
- It is said in this episode, "the power of faith transforms lives."
James Cone says, " Faith arises to answer for you a meaning that
seemingly escapes you." How does faith transform the lives of the people
in this episode? Has faith transformed your life? Does it "wake
you up"? How does faith affect and inform the meaning of your life?
How does it help you overcome and face obstacles?
- The words of the song sung throughout the pilgrimage read: "Those
who have gone before us, rise up and call their names!" The pilgrims
traveled with the names of ancestors, white and Black, on their hearts
and minds. Why is it important to honor and remember the ancestors?
How does facing and recalling the pain of the past help us reclaim the
past and heal from it? Why is it important to confront racism in the
past and present?